Studio Flavien Delbergue is a design studio founded in 2016 by Flavien Delbergue. We work in the fields of product design, interior architecture, hospitality, creative and strategic direction, with a wide range of clients mainly in Europe and Japan.
The studio is known for its global approach to projects, combining simplicity of design, technical expertise, strategic vision and management in the implementation of the various stages. With its vision focused on shaping the obvious, the studio pays particular attention to details and materials. Deeply rooted in the values of French creation and sensitive to Japanese aesthetic concepts, the studio aims to instill an Art de Vivre that is well balanced.
The studio was laureate of the Académie des Savoir-Faire 2018 by the Fondation d'entreprise Hermès and a finalist in Design Parade 14 at Villa Noailles, Hyères in 2019. It has been nominated as "Under 30" by the Tokyo 2020 DesignArt selection committee. In 2023, Studio Flavien Delbergue became the first design company to join the Franco-Japanese Exchange Committee. In 2024, he became the first winner of the Competition France Éclat in the tableware category.
At the age of 20, Flavien Delbergue as been immersed into Japanese craftsmanship’s state of mind. He has learned from several Kyoto-based crafts houses came together abroad under the name of GO ON.
This deep experience over several months is fundamental to his understanding of how things are made, and the simplicity that emanates from everyday Japanese objects.
After graduating from the École Boulle in Paris in 2015, Flavien moved to Denmark to work for OEO Studio, an architecture and design agency. He understand the international dimension of the agency's projects, its interdisciplinary approach and the Scandinavian values. Drawing on these experience which built his approach and contributed to his global vision of our world, he opened up to new challenges by creating Studio Flavien Delbergue.
1993年フランス生まれ。2015年、パリのエコール・ブール国立工芸学校プロダクトデザイン修士課程卒業。在学中にオランダのインダストリアルデザイナー、フランソワ・デュマの下での研修に参加。続いて2014年には京都のクリエイティブユニット「GO ON」の伝統工芸職人達の下で研修し、日本の工芸について学ぶ。2016年、デンマークのコペンハーゲンを拠点とするデザインおよびインテリアデザイン事務所、OEOスタジオに勤務。この経験を経て、パリに自身のデザインスタジオを設立する。2018年、エルメス財団による「スキル・アカデミー」に選出される。2019年、フランス・イエールのヴィラ・ノアイユでの「デザイン・パレード14」ファイナリスト。2020年、「DESIGNART TOKYO 2020」にて「UNDER 30」プログラムに選出される。2023年、スタジオ・フラヴィアン・デルベルグはデザイン会社として初めて日仏経済交流委員会に加盟した。
Association La Source
Atelier Takumi
Bonjour Shangai
Collection Particulière
Fana France
Frameworks Gallery
Groupe PSA
Hiyoshiya Co.,Ltd
Jules Mesny-Deschamps
Kimoto Glass Tokyo
Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris
Maison Fey
Maison WA
Mireille 1926
Okamei Meibokuten
Paris Kumi
Saint Laurent
SIA Partners
Takumi Paris
TCI Laboratory
The Social Food
Toyooka Craft Co.,Ltd
Villa Noailles
Yamamoto Noriten
Itxassou, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France / Yokohama, Japan
Paris, France
Copenhaguen, Denmark
Vélizy-Villacoublay, France
Kyoto, Japan
Saint Ouen, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Tokyo, Japan
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Osaka, Japan
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Kyoto, Japan
Paris, France
Paris, France
Hamamatsu, Japan
Paris, France
Hyères, France
Tokyo, Japan
Ryôte - Maison&Objet January 2025
Le Flacon - EquipHotel 2024
Italic Vases - Nuit Blanche Kyoto 2024
B-Initial - Salone del Mobile 2024
Ryôte - Maison&Objet January 2024
Hako collection - A Space Walk in Tokyo 2023
Nunous - Galerie Planète Rouge
Ryôte - Maison&Objet January 2023
La Percée - Auction Association La Source 2022
Hako collection - The place to be design
Maison Fey - Salon Révélations
Cork clock - Auction Association La Source 2021
Hako collection - Maison de la culture du Japon à Paris
Solvayless - Auction Association La Source 2021
Hako collection - DesignArt Tokyo 2020
Few things lamps - Biennale Émergences
Hako collection - Ambiente messe Frankfurt
Hako collection - Maison & Objet September
Asobi - Fantasmagorie, Gallery Ateliers de Paris
Asobi - Design Parade 14 - Villa Noailles
Hako collection - Taiwan International Architect and Interior
Hako collection - Tokyu Hands, Nagoya station
Hako collection - Tokyo Gift Show
Hako collection - Hors-série Maison Foire de Paris
Hako collection - Asian Stationery Show
Cup and ball game - Interior Design Show 2017
Graduation project named Top ! - École Boulle
Beaker named Angkor - Designers Day's, showroom Puiforcat
Chair Niepse - PRINTEMPS Boulevard Haussmann
Paris, France
Paris, France
Kyoto, Japan
Milan, Italy
Paris, France
Tokyo, Japan
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Tokyo, Japan
Paris, France
Frankfurt, Deutschland
Paris, France
Hyères, France
Milk Decoration - Milan Design Week : Les plus belles nouveautés de 2024
AD PRO - 4 Tabletop Trends Tastemakers Are Loving Now
BEAU Magazine #2 - Du saké au saké
FUJI TV - Nunous, a new material from Okayama
IDEAT Magazine - Rencontre design entre la France et le Japon à Maison&Objet 2023
Ordinary beauty by Flavien Delbergue - Frameworks.gallery
AD Magazine - Les Cork Bowls de Jasper Morrison revisités par 55 créateurs
CôtéMaison.fr - Merci Paris dévoile son nouvel appartement quai de la Tournelle
M le Magazine du Monde #525 - L'art de vivre entre en résidence
Elle Décoration #292 - La Seconde Résidence Merci
France Sushi Magazine #26 - Servir le Shochu
The Japan Times - Designart Tokyo forges ahead with hybrid approach
The Craftsman Newsletter - Get your hands dirty - Issue n°25 September 2020
Vilebrequin - Are you game for summer ?
Intramuros Magazine #203 - "Formes, fonctions et émotion"
Blog Esprit Design - Blue gradient lamp, Gallery Ateliers de Paris FR
Pen Magazine - Hako - Atelier Takumi : the Rebirth of Japanese Craftsmanship
Yellowtrace - Asobi - Design Parade Hyères & Toulon
Goodmoods - Les bilboquets et lampes de Flavien Delbergue
Frame Magazine - Asobi - Design Parade Hyères & Toulon
AD Italia - Asobi - Design Parade Hyères & Toulon
Paris-art - Design Parade Hyères
TL Magazine - Design Parade Hyères & Toulon 2019
Dessin Dessein - Le podcast du design - Mains Épisode 4 Partie 1/3 - Une alliance de savoir-faire
Les Rencontres des Savoir-Faire - Mobilier National
Edo Tokyo Kirari Project - Paris City Hall
Laureate of France Eclat Competition 2024 - Tableware category
Laureate of Nuit Blanche Kyoto 2024
Laureate of "UNDER 30" DesignArt Tokyo 2020
Laureate of Japan Wood Design Award - Hako collection
Finalist Design Parade 14, Villa Noailles, Hyères
Finalist Desvres Design Ceramic Camp - Winner with the washbasin : Couture